Thursday, August 18, 2011

Maulana Abul Hasan ali Nadwi education in Detail

* His mother started his education with the Holy Quran, which was followed bregular Arabic and Urdu Education.

  * His father Hakeem Syed Abdul Hai died in 1341 Hijri(1923 A.D.) when his age was a little more than 9 years. The responsibility of his upbringing and education fell on his mother and his elder brother Maulana Hakim Dr. Syed Abdul AliWho was himself studying at that time in a Medical college after completing his education at Darululoom Nadwatul-ulama and Darululoom Deoband

  * Started learning Arabic From Allama Khaleel Arab Ansari Yamani,and in fact completed his education of Arabic language and literature under his guidance and supervision. In 1930 When Allama Taqiuddin Hilali (from Morraco) came to Nadwa Maulana was particularly benefited by him.

  * Participated with his elder brother Dr.syed abdul Ali in the Nadwatul-ulama session held at Kanpur in 1926. The participants were greatly delighted by his Arabic Speaking power at such a young age. Some Arab- guests took him as their guide and interpreter. Dr. Zakir Husain [The president of India afterwards] and Maulana Abdullah Surti specially took him to their room and as a test asked him some questions.

  * Took admission in Lucknow University in 1927. He was then the youngest student of theUniversity. He secured the Degree of Fazil-e-Adab - with Gold Midal-from the University in 1929.

* Took lessonse of Islsmic Law [الفقه الإسلامي Al Fiqhul Islami] from Maulana Shibli Jerajpuri in 1928.

* During his Arabic education Maulana Nadwi also studied classical Urdu books which helped him in the exposition and explanation of Islamic Faith and Thinking and in his mission (Dawat wa Tableegh) in a contemporary language.

* During 1928-30 he also paid special attention to the learning of English language. He utilized this in his literary works and call for ALLAH as well as during his travels to Europe and America afterwards. It also facilitated for him reading English references in the areas of histori and Islamic studies.

* Was admitted to Darul uloom Nadwatul-Ulama in 1929 and attended Dars-e-Hadees (Lessons of Hadeeth) of Allama Muhaddis (Scholar of Traditions) Haider Hasan Khan, and literally read under him the whole of Sahihain, (Baukhari &Muslim) sunan-e- Abi Daud, and Sunan-e- Tirmidhi. Remained under his guidance for about two years and was greatly benefited by him in learning the art of Tradition.

* Took lessons of selected Verses [سور القرآن الكريم] from Allama Khaleel Arab . And during his studentship at Nadwa 1929 Attended Dars -e-Baidhawi of Allama Haider Hasan Khan.

*In 1930, during his second journey to Lahore studied the initial portion of sura-e-Baqra (سورة البقرة) from Allama Ahmad Ali Lahori.

* to Lahore studied Hujjat-ullah-il-Baligha from him and in the same year on hisadvice became the disciple of Hazrat Khalifa Ghulam Mohammad Bhawalpuri.

* In 1931, during his third journey

* In 1932 (1351 Hijri) during his short-stay at Darul-uloom Deoband sought benefit (guidance) from Shaikh -ul-Islam Husain Ahamad Madani and att- -ended his lessons in Sahihul- Bukhari and Sunan -e-Tirmidhi, and took lessons in Islamic Law (Juris --prudence) from Maulana Eazaz Ali , andin Tajveed (Recitation of the Holy Quaran), According to the traditions of Hafs from Qari Asghar Ali, .

* In1932, too during his fourth journey to Lahore, studied the complete commentary (Tafseer) of the Holy Quran from Allama Lahori according to the course prescribed for "Fuzal-e-Madris-e-Arabia" (Graduates of Islamic schools).

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