* Undertook his first long journey to Lahore in 1929,where he met the Ulama (علماء) and the elite. Also called on Allama Iqbal whose poem 'Chand' (the Moon) he had earlier translated in Arabic.
* Went to Bombay in 1935 to invite the Dalit leader, Dr. Ambedkar to embrace Islam.
* Went on first Haj pilgrimage in 1947 and stayed for some months in Hejaz (MAKKA & MADEENA). This was his first foreign trip.
* Made his second journey to perform Haj in 1951-52.
* His first visit to Egypt was in 1951. His book ماذا خسر العالم بانحطاط المسلمين(Islam and the world) had already made a deep impression in literary circles there. That proved to be a good introduction for Maulana Nadwi.
* During this journey also went to Palestine and visited Bait-ul-Maqdis and Masjid-e-Aqsa . on his return journey also met King Abdullah, the king of Jordan. Visited Jordan again in 1973, then 1984, 1998.
* On this occasion[1951] also went to Sudan, and Syria. Its account was later published in Arabic titled "Mudhakkeratu Saih Fish Sharqil Ausat مذكرات سائح في الشرق الأوسط"( Urdu translation published in title "Sharqe Ausat Ki Dairy شرق أوسط كي دايري".
* visited Syria again - as a visiting Professor- in 1956, and stayed there three months, On this occasion also went to Lebanon, and Tripoli etc.
On this occasion in 1956 also undertook his first journey to Turkey (Its account was later published in Urdu titled "Do Haftay Turky Main دو هفتـ تركي مين Two weeks in Turkey".) Later undertook many other journeys to Turkey in 1964, then 1986,1989,1993,1996 the later four visits were on the invitation of Universal League of Islamic Literature.
* Travelled to Burma in 1960.
* Visited Bangladesh in 1982, the lectures delivered in Bangladesh published in title "Tuhfai Mashriq تحفه مشرق".
* Visited Sirilanka in 1982, and Malaysia in 1987.
* 1964, then 1978,1986, and last visit to Pakistan was 1n 1998. , The lectures delivered in Pakistan published in title "Ahadeethe Pakistan أحاديث باكستان" and "Tuhfay Pakistan تحفه باكستان".
* Made several visits to Pakistan
* Undertook first journey to Kuwait in 1962, then visited Kuwait 1968, 1983, and 1987.
Undertook first visit to U.A.E. in1974 at the invitation of H.H. Sultan Bin Mohammad Al Qasmi, then 1976,1983,1988,1993, and the last visit to U.A.E. was in 1998.
* Visited Qatar in 1990, then in 1995.
* Some lectures delivered in Gulf Countries published in title "Ahadeeth sareeha Ma`a Ikhwanenal Arabil Muslmeen أحاديث صريحة مع اخواننا العرب المسلمين".
Visited Jordan again ( after the first visit in1951) in 1973, then 1984, 1998.
* Visited Yaman in 1984. The lectures delivered in Jordan and Yaman in 1984 published in Arabic titled "Nafahatul Eeman Baina Sana`a Wa Amman نفحات الإيمان بين صنعاء وعمان".
* Led a delegation of Rabit-a-tul-Alam-il Islami (Muslim World League) to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Jordon in 1973, (Its account was later published in Arabic titled "Min Nahre Kabul Ila Nahril Yarmook من نهر كابل إلى نهر اليرموك " and in Urdu titled "Daryai Kabuk Say Daryai Yarmook Tak درياي كابل سـ درياي يرموك تك "
* Visited Mughrib-e-Aqsa (Morocco) in 1976. Then again in 1996, Its account was later published in Urdu titled "Doo Haftay Maghribe Aqsa Marakash Main دو هفتـ مغرب اقصى مراكش مين " (Two weeks in Morocco.)
* Went to Al Jazair (Algeerea) in 1982, then again in 1986.
* Went on a tour of Europe in 1963. And visited Geneva, London, Paris, Cambridge, Oxford etc. and some major cities of Spain. During this tour met many Arab Scholars and delivered many lectures.
* Visited Europe again in 1964,then 1969, the lectures delivered in Europe published in title "Speaking Plainly To The West".
* After this had to under take several journeys to Europe particularly on the invitation of Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies in 1983.
* Went to America in 1977, then again in 1993, the lectures delivered in America published in title "From The Depth of The Heart In America"
* Visited Belgium in 1985.
* Visited Taskhent and Samarakand , and Bukhara in 1993.
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